New Cigar Box Guitar Performers added to “Who’s Who” List

Richard JohnstonWe just added a few more entries to our growing “Who’s Who” list of actively touring musicians who regularly feature cigar box guitars and other homemade/handmade instruments in their shows. Here are the most recent entries:

We’re now up to 21 entries in our roster, with more to come!

The Who’s Who of Cigar Box Guitar Performers

Samantha FishWe have been busy compiling the definitive database of performing musicians from around the world who regularly incorporate Cigar Box Guitars and other homemade/handmade instruments into their stage acts. Check out the first 13 entries here!

This is a work in progress and we have more artists to add, so don’t panic if you don’t see your favorite CBG musician yet! Also please note that this list is limited to musicians who are actively touring or frequently performing public shows in front of live audiences (including busking).

It’s Microwave Dave Day!

Microwave Dave Onstage - Trace“Microwave” Dave Gallagher is one of the giants of the Cigar Box Guitar performance world, and a legendary figure in and around Huntsville, Alabama. He has been a big part of Huntsville’s cigar box guitar festival over the years and this year has been honored by the city with his own day – June 28 is officially Microwave Dave Day!

In honor of this special day, has published a nice article that tells the story of Microwave Dave, the man and the musician.

Click here or on the image to the right to check out the article.