Glenn Kaiser

Musical Styles: Blues, Rock, R&B, Christian Rock, Originals

Handmade Instruments Played: diddley-bow, cigar box guitar

At the young age of 12, this Wisconsin youth became active in the Milwaukee music scene. So active, in fact, that before having reached 19 years of age, Glenn had played in more than 12 bands and had already led two.

While active in the scene Glenn escaped some of the more dangerous trappings of boyhood and of a performing musician to find his life purpose in living his faith. From there, a storied musical career and a life lived in service was launched.

Not only is Glenn’s life defined by his art and faith but by the roles he plays as husband, father, and grandfather. Glenn met and married his wife while playing in Resurrection Band, a Christian rock group. Through the various inceptions and regions played before settling in Chicago, IL, The Resurrection Band stayed together for nearly thirty years.

After the many years with his long-time band, Glenn has led a successful career as a solo artist, performing with his cigar box guitars and diddly-bows while maintaining his roots in Chicago.

Being someone who enjoys found object instruments, Glenn is drawn to making and playing his own cigar box guitars. Moreover, he can be found running workshops and demonstrations helping others to learn how to build their own instruments.

Find Glenn Kaiser on his blog:

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